American - Writer | June 20, 1936 -
Look at what is average in your area, your industry, and your company and then be better. That could be as simple as reading another book each month or attending a seminar each year. On the other hand, it also means acknowledging what 'average' actually is and how you, as the owner, arrive at that figure.
Michael Gerber
You did not disturb Hemingway before noon on Monday through Friday - he was in his office, writing the books that made the lifestyle possible.
Growing your own business is great. Watching your ideas come to life, taking care of new customers and watching them become repeat customers, and successfully building your team is a feeling that can't be matched.
Here's the problem with phones - they are a ready-made diversion from the considerably harder work of growing a business.
Ray Kroc called his first McDonald's restaurant, which he opened in Illinois, 'a little money machine.' That's why thousands of franchisees bought it.
Quit being 'busy' and start actively owning and operating your company, and you'll be able to understand where the money is coming from and how to make more of it.
Every life a legacy, every small business a school.
Everywhere you turn, there are lists and statistics. Any business, any sport, any hobby - we will try to categorize who is the best at some component of that endeavor. It's part human nature and part technology, since we have been conditioned to have access to answers and trivial problems at our fingertips.
Your first job, as an owner and an entrepreneur, has to be to understand how the business is going to actually work.
If you are with five successful people, then you are the sixth successful person. The reverse of this is true as well, so who are you hanging out with?
As the owner, you have to look into the mind of the customer and see and feel how their relationship to your product works - not just that the product works.
The Entrepreneurial Perspective is absolutely necessary for the creation of a great, growing business.
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