Inward-looking unilateral trade policies invite retaliation.
Arancha Gonzalez
As far as the Russians were concerned, I felt the reverse; they had adequate gold, if they wanted to buy, and they weren't dependent upon international trade. I felt they were more self-sufficient.
W. Averell Harriman
There are a lot of recent pics of me rocking silk strings of beads. They're made by survivors of the sex trade in Cambodia who were rescued by one of the organizations I support.
AnnaLynne McCord
Before acquiring a project, take the advice of experienced trade pundits in the industry and analyse the risks and business propositions thoroughly.
Openly speaking, the only formula that will save Greece's future is more trade with Turkey and more investment with Turkey.
Ali Babacan
I would not trade you a billion dollars for the kids I led to combat in Vietnam or in fact any of the Marines that I served with for a quarter of a century.
Oliver North
When it comes to whaling, Iceland is an international outlaw. Years of global negotiations and declarations have failed utterly to end its illegal slaughter of whales. It's time to send Iceland a message it can't ignore: trade sanctions.
Pierce Brosnan
Our current identification system is so disjointed that the World Trade Center terrorists had a total of 63 valid driver's licenses between them.
Jack Kingston
I certainly believe that we gain through open trade and liberalisation.
Peter Mandelson
Delaying and withholding tactics, red herrings, partial and doubtful outcomes are stock in trade for fiction writers, especially crime writers.
Garry Disher
The Sea Shepherd crew is doing what governments should be doing, but refuse to do themselves, because of the threats of trade retaliation from Japan.
Paul Watson
Why should we use the Dollar even when we trade among ourselves?
Abu Bakar Bashir
Some traders still think that a computer could not trade as well as they can.
Thomas Peterffy
Free trade is not based on utility but on justice.
Edmund Burke
JusticeFreeFree TradeTradeBased
Let me say at the outset that I do not reflexively oppose international trade.
Richard Neal
MeSayInternational TradeTrade
Terrorism and trade cannot be the only issues on which the world unites. We must commit ourselves to a global coalition to deal with exclusion, too.
Noreena Hertz
Reference to the territory and total disregard for the nationality of the companies is of course the best guarantee that competition assessment remain just that and doesn't get affected by trade or other considerations.
Mario Monti
The principal linkages between Japan and the U.S. global economies are trade, financial markets, and commodity markets.
Mark Zandi
We've had characters like Trump in American politics forever, characters who trade on xenophobia.
Lin-Manuel Miranda
I was thrust into an adult world very quickly, and that can make anyone somewhat socially maladjusted to dealing with people your own age. But I wouldn't trade any of it.
Joe Bonamassa
Tens of thousands of South Florida jobs are dependent on the trade and commerce that our ports provide, and we have to make sure that we spend our security dollars wisely.
Kendrick Meek
War is the trade of Kings.
John Dryden
Because cap and trade is enforced through the selling and trading of permits, it actually perpetuates the pollution it is supposed to eliminate.
James Hansen
Globalization and free trade do spur economic growth, and they lead to lower prices on many goods.
Robert Reich
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