The citizens of Michigan elect the justices to resolve the complex disputes that reach the Supreme Court, and we must not shrink from that duty.
Joan Larsen
ReachDutyResolveSupreme Court
He has selected from a group of overwhelming candidates. This candidate was nominated to the Supreme Court because of his extremely overwhelming qualifications.
Rod Parsley
GroupSupreme CourtBecauseCandidate
We've got a deeply flawed political system with an insane overreaching extremist element, with a Supreme Court that is completely loony.
Lizz Winstead
PoliticalSystemSupreme CourtInsane
Over the course of 19 years on the Supreme Court, I learned some lessons about the Constitution of the United States.
David Souter
ConstitutionOverYearsSupreme Court
I have never endorsed Roy Moore. Just the fact that he was forced off the state supreme court is enough for me.
Susan Collins
MeEnoughNeverSupreme CourtOff
On June 19, 1981, a vigorously healthy Justice Potter Stewart resigned from the Supreme Court at the age of 66.
Elliott Abrams
AgeJusticeHealthySupreme Court
States used to protect consumers from predatory lenders, but strong state usury laws were obliterated by a 1978 U.S. Supreme Court decision.
Bernie Sanders
DecisionStrongProtectSupreme Court
Stability in law - particularly constitutional law - is critically important; the Supreme Court would do well to remember that.
Benjamin Wittes
LawRememberImportantSupreme Court
The Supreme Court is having a hard time integrating schools. What chance do I have to integrate audiences?
Nat King Cole
TimeChanceHardSupreme CourtCourt
You just never know what the Supreme Court is going to do.
John Barrasso
YouKnowNeverSupreme CourtGoing
It's hard not to have a big year at the Supreme Court.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
YearHardSupreme CourtBigCourt
I also believe that the Supreme Court should be the final arbiter of all federal questions.
Judy Biggert
BelieveQuestionsSupreme CourtFinal
Many studies or theories by political scientists fit some subset of cases that a court decides, but literally no theory can account for all of them, particularly when it comes to studying a complex institution like the Supreme Court.
David Stras
PoliticalStudyingSupreme CourtLike
Deciding not to decide is, of course, among the most important things done by the Supreme Court. It takes a lot of doing, but it can be done.
Thurgood Marshall
DoingDoneImportantSupreme Court
There are a lot of wonderful people in America who shouldn't be on the Supreme Court - and a lot who should be on the court who aren't such wonderful people.
David Frum
PeopleAmericaSupreme CourtCourt
The court of last resort is no longer the Supreme Court. It's 'Nightline.'
Alan Dershowitz
Supreme CourtLastCourtResort
Voting for a candidate for the DC circuit is very different from confirming someone to the US Supreme Court. I have been very clear that the Senate should not confirm any nominee in a lame duck session.
Ted Cruz
VotingDuckSomeoneSupreme CourtUs
Presidents and speakers for over 100 years had tried to pass affordable care for all Americans. It was challenged over and over. The Supreme Court declared it constitutional.
Nancy Pelosi
CareOver100 YearsSupreme Court
In a recent decision of the Supreme Court, not made, however, by the full court, and concurred in by only four justices, it was held that the seller of a patented mimeograph could bind the purchaser to use only his ink in the machine, though the ink was not patented.
John Bates Clark
DecisionSupreme CourtInkFourMade
When a nominee for the Supreme Court, one of only nine lifetime appointments, makes an overtly brazen racist comment about tens of millions of American citizens, we don't need lectures. What we need to do is to confront her with what she said and what it says about her.
Rush Limbaugh
AmericanSaidSheNeedSupreme Court
This is the most historic moment in Supreme Court history in our lifetime, no question about it. These are justices who are going to serve for decades.
Jay Alan Sekulow
HistoryMomentQuestionSupreme Court
As the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court case has shown us, separate is not always equal.
Corrine Brown
EducationAlwaysEqualSupreme Court
The Supreme Court and courts in general have been usurping the role of the legislative branch of government.
Todd Akin
GovernmentLegislativeSupreme Court
It's terribly important that we extend the promise of equality that the Supreme Court and that the district court articulated in the DOMA case and in the Perry case to all Americans in all 50 states.
David Boies
EqualityImportantSupreme CourtCase
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