The savings rate in Italy is high, but the markets do not trust Italy even though it's the third largest economy in the European Union and the eighth in the world.
Anibal Cavaco Silva
Workers are most likely to save for retirement if they have access to a workplace savings plan and are automatically enrolled in that plan.
Tom Perez
Trump will fail even in his proclaimed goal of reducing the trade deficit, which is determined by the disparity between domestic savings and investment.
Joseph Stiglitz
If you have six corporate centres, six treasuries, six of everything, and then if you bring it down to one of everything, obviously there are some savings.
Arundhati Bhattacharya
My house is paid for because of wrestling, and it's given me a nice savings.
Shane Douglas
Traditional consumer banking will come under extreme pressure as its central deposit-taking and lending functions are challenged by online savings vehicles, crowdfunding, and loan syndicating by such nontraditional competitors as insurance companies, pension and hedge funds.
James P. Gorman
Make the most of online banking to make your life easier and keep your finances organized. Online banking is great because it offers quick, easy, 24-hour access to your checking and savings accounts.
Alexa Von Tobel
Retirement security is often compared to a three-legged stool supported by Social Security, employer-provided pension funds, and private savings.
Sander Levin
I did 75 films. I didn't take a break; I didn't spend my money. I have my savings, so when you're not working for money anymore, then you should find things that are meaningful and not just be like, 'OK, that's another day gone.'
Maggie Cheung
The impact of low interest rates is broad and deep. Many Americans rely on interest income from their savings to help cover their cost of living.
John Delaney
Wealth can only be accumulated by the earnings of industry and the savings of frugality.
John Tyler
In the 1970s we saw a massive shift of household savings from the banks to the brokerage firms.
Ron Chernow
As ubiquitous as the brands of the warehouse clubs are - Costco, BJ's and Sam's - they're not everywhere. If you have less than a million people in your town, or less than 500K, you might never get access to wholesale savings.
Chieh Huang
Two conditions of self-sustaining growth are that a country has acquired a cadre of domestic entrepreneurs and administrators and, secondly, that it has attained to adequate savings and taxable capacity.
Arthur Lewis
Hyperinflation can take virtually your entire life's savings, without the government having to bother raising the official tax rate at all.
Thomas Sowell
At the beginning of the cask and the end take thy fill but be saving in the middle; for at the bottom the savings comes too late.
BeginningEndLateSavingsToo Late
I always encourage people to pay themselves first, so I really advocate setting up direct deposit for your paycheck and establishing an automatic transfer so that part of each paycheck goes straight into your savings account.
Enrolling in the Medicare Prescription Drug Program will be a great savings for most senior citizens.
Paul Gillmor
Experiences are savings which a miser puts aside. Wisdom is an inheritance which a wastrel cannot exhaust.
Karl Kraus
Influence is like a savings account. The less you use it, the more you've got.
Andrew Young
With interest rates artificially low, consumers reduce savings in favor of consumption, and entrepreneurs increase their rates of investment spending.
Steve Hanke
It is never too early to encourage long-term savings.
Ron Lewis
My legislation, the Simple Savings Tax Relief Act of 2005, simply eliminates the taxation of interest earned in savings accounts, such as passbook savings accounts or bank certificates of deposit.
Cliff Stearns
The way to build your savings is by spending less each month.
Suze Orman
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