The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.
A man may lack everything but tact and conviction and still be a forcible speaker; but without these nothing will avail... Fluency, grace, logical order, and the like, are merely the decorative surface of oratory.
Charles Horton Cooley
I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.
Anne Lamott
Thank the Lord for using each person as a tool in your life to deepen your insight into His grace and conforming you to the image of His Son.
Charles Stanley
There are things God does for me daily, and it throws me into brain lock, because I know in my heart I don't deserve that kind of grace. I don't deserve that break.
Willie Aames
We have to believe in the mercy and grace of God to trigger conversion rather than the other way around: that you're only going to get the mercy if you have a conversion. The economy of salvation doesn't work that way.
Blase J. Cupich
Grace in women has more effect than beauty.
William Hazlitt
Diana Ross is a big inspiration to all of us. We all grew up watching everything about her - her mike placement, her grace, her style and her class.
Beyonce Knowles
Grace is not part of consciousness; it is the amount of light in our souls, not knowledge nor reason.
Pope Francis
The beautiful vagabonds, endowed with every grace, masters of all climes, and knowing no bounds - how many human aspirations are realized in their free, holiday-lives, and how many suggestions to the poet in their flight and song!
John Burroughs
Now being in such grace and favor by reason I learned him some points of geometry and understanding of the art of mathematics with other things, I pleased him so that what I said he would not contrary.
William Adams
The goals are not about the sweet smell of success as much as it's about enjoying a damn day on the movie set... I live in a complete state of grace.
Peter Weller
I believe God gives you the grace to do what you need to do.
Joel Osteen
GodGraceBelieveYouI Believe
Verily, great grace may go with a little gift; and precious are all things that come from a friend.
For me, it's never been about being famous. I just want to be a successful singer. I wanna work hard... If I'm in the papers, grace, but I want to be there for the right reasons - for my music.
Shane Filan
WorkMusicGraceMeWork HardWant
In the year of 1957, I experienced, by the grace of God, a spiritual awakening, which was to lead me to a richer, fuller, more productive life.
John Coltrane
Humility is a grace that shines in a high condition but cannot, equally, in a low one because a person in the latter is already, perhaps, too much humbled.
Samuel Richardson
HumilityGraceToo MuchPersonHigh
I like Solange, old pictures of Naomi Campbell, Grace Jones. I love Rihanna.
Selah Louise Marley
LoveGracePicturesOldLikeI Love
As in nature, as in art, so in grace; it is rough treatment that gives souls, as well as stones, their luster.
Thomas Guthrie
Founded in 1994 by the Anita Borg Institute and growing every year, the Grace Hopper Celebration is bringing needed network connections, skill building, and visibility for women computer scientists who work at all levels of our industry.
Megan Smith
It's interesting. I've known quite a few good athletes that can't begin to play a beat on the drum set. Most team sport is about the smooth fluidity of hand-eye coordination and physical grace, where drumming is much more about splitting all those things up.
Neil Peart
Thankfully, while our self-righteousness reaches far, God's grace reaches farther.
Tullian Tchividjian
Gratitude is what we radiate when we experience grace, and the soul was made to run on grace the way a 747 runs on rocket fuel.
John Ortberg
Your identity is not wrapped up in how right you get it or how perfect you can posture yourself. But, your identity is wrapped up in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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