American - Journalist | November 2, 1938 -
Can anyone seriously contend that whether a 14-year-old boy, who thinks he is a girl, gets to use the girls' bathroom is a civil rights issue comparable to whether African-Americans get the right to vote?
Pat Buchanan
While our bipartisan establishment worships diversity, Trump saw Middle America recoiling from the demographic change brought about by Third World invasions. And he promised to curb them.
While our corporatists burn incense at the shrine of the global economy, Trump went to visit the working-class casualties. And those forgotten Americans in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin responded.
Our own CIA has a storied history of interfering in elections. In the late '40s, we shoveled cash into France and Italy after World War II to defeat the Communists who had been part of the wartime resistance to the Nazis and Fascists.
When politicians don black robes and seize powers they do not have, they should be called out for what they are - usurpers and petty tyrants.
That a district judge would overrule the president of the United States on a matter of border security in wartime is absurd.
Secularist justices de-Christianized our country. They invented new rights for vicious criminals as though criminal justice were a game. They tore our country apart with idiotic busing orders to achieve racial balance in public schools.
The problem with some of our noisier exponents of 'American exceptionalism' is that they lack Reagan's moral maturity.
Undeniably, we were on God's side in World War II and the Cold War. But were we ourselves without sin in those just struggles?
GodWarWorldColdSinWorld War II
If Trump's talking to Putin can help end the bloodshed in Ukraine or Syria, it would appear to be at least as ethical an act as pulpiteering about our moral superiority on the Sunday talk shows.
What happened to the America we grew up in, the America of Truman, Ike, JFK and Reagan?
The bipolar world of the Cold War is history. The new world order, however, is not the One World dreamed of by Wilsonian idealists. It is a Balkanizing world where race, tribe, culture and creed matter most, and democracy is seen not as an end in itself but as a means to an end - the accretion of power by one's own kind to achieve one's own dreams.
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