American - Actress | July 8, 1998 -
I was given a new coat as a high school graduation gift.
Maya Hawke
SchoolGraduationGiftHigh School
I have definitely emulated my mom's style more than anyone's. But that may be mostly to do with how often I steal her clothing.
Viola Davis, Patti Smith, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Julianne Moore. I could go on forever listing names. However... my greatest inspirations have, without a doubt, been my teachers, friends, and family.
FamilyFriends And FamilyFriendsGo
Style icons always change, and they usually inspire my haircuts more than anything else.
I have sometimes felt pressure to dress a certain way because of everyone else. You know what I mean? Girls in high school and strangers on the street have put way more pressure on me to dress a certain way than my mom or dad.
SchoolDressMeMomHigh SchoolYou
When I was in my early and mid-teens, my style changed constantly. My clothing was inspired by 'Annie Hall' for a while, by a yoga teacher, a flower child, a pirate... name it.
There was a time that I would have carried a briefcase and worn a monocle were it to even border on socially acceptable.
Though I do believe that when you live in political times it is inevitable that your art be political, I also think we need to start making activists celebrities rather than trying to make celebrities to be activists.
I really loved getting to interact with an animal or a baby or a kid in a scene because they don't really know that you're acting. They don't know that this isn't reality.
I got to take classes in writing with a fountain pen, and actually, something you make is your own textbook. So, while you're learning about something, you have to write essays on it, and then you handwrite in cursive, in fountain pen, your essays out on beautiful paper and you bind it together into a book that you hand in at the end of the course.
I haven't always known I wanted to act. I wanted to be a farmer, an English professor, or an archaeologist.
I hate technology and cellphones. I hate having to have one all of the time. I don't tweet or buzz or bing or whatever! It's a conscious thing - I hate the way that it can take over young people's lives.
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