American - Author | 1963 -
Thankfully, forgiveness, and the healing it brings in its wake, has nothing to do with 'deserve.'
Eric Metaxas
People everywhere see the True, the Beautiful, and the Good and long to know their source. And, thank God, He has revealed Himself!
GoodGodBeautifulPeopleThank God
Created in the awesome image of God, men and women know that life has a meaning beyond 'eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.'
Our longing for immortality is good! It was put there on purpose. We were meant - from the moment of our creation - to live forever.
Even if you aren't a believer, there are incredible stories in the 'good book' that I guarantee you will keep you glued to the page. The Bible is no less a part of our cultural heritage than Shakespeare is - and by the way, Shakespeare's plays are absolutely loaded with Biblical references.
For many of us, this is very painful, pulling the lever for someone many think odious. But please consider this: A vote for Donald Trump is not necessarily a vote for Donald Trump himself. It is a vote for those who will be affected by the results of this election. Not to vote is to vote. God will not hold us guiltless.
Wilberforce, because of his faith, stood up for African slaves. Bonhoeffer, because of his faith, stood up for Jews. That's Christianity to me.
Six-hundred-page biographies of German theologians aren't known to fly off the shelves.
I have no doubt, if people are really seeking the big questions, it will lead them to the Lord.
Where did God come from? It's certainly more complicated than trying to figure out where, say, Barry Manilow was born.
Whether one believes in miracles or the miraculous has mostly to do with the presuppositions one brings to the subject.
Miracles are signs, and like all signs, they are never about themselves; they're about whatever they are pointing toward. Miracles point to something beyond themselves. But to what? To God himself. That's the point of miracles - to point us beyond our world to another world.
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