American - Clergyman | March 19, 1748 - February 27, 1830
But if we continue in sin, and rebel and harden our hearts, we shall become so inured and fixed in it, that it will be natural, and we shall choose it from time to time.
Elias Hicks
And if we are in this state, if we had an eternity of probation, what reason have we to suppose that we should profit by it - if we had ever so long a time to chose for ourselves we should pursue our own will, to gratify our carnal I desires.
You know that we have a great variety of ways to gratify our own desires.
Therefore, don't let sinners take courage to think they will be favoured like the thief on the cross; for we see on the other side, they may be like the hardened one, and reproach death itself.
O that our hearts were enlarged in love to God, that we might turn inward, to the blessed comforter, that the blessed Jesus said the Father would send.
Then, certainly, to be a Christian is to love God above all, and our neighbour as ourselves.
LoveGodChristianAboveTo Love
I delight not in spreading any thing mysterious, for I consider it all lost time; but the things that all of us can see and know if we will.
To this light, then, would I recommend all, with mine own soul, - to this sure way of salvation.
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