English - Director | May 30, 1971 -
I took an incredibly roundabout route getting into feature films.
Duncan Jones
I saw the drawbacks of fame as a kid. It wasn't for me.
Hopefully, by the second or the third film, who my father is won't be a story anyone's interested in. They'll either like the films or they won't, and if they don't like them, I won't be making them any more.
You only get one shot to do a first feature.
I'm a bit of a geek, actually. So I always wanted my first film to be science fiction.
ScienceScience FictionFirstAlways
When you're in college, everything seems much more important than it really is.
Basically, if you want to have a computer system that could pass the Turing test, it as a machine is going to have to be able to self-reference and use its own experience and the sense data that it's taking in to basically create its own understanding of the world and use that as a reference point for all new sense data that's coming in to it.
The beauty of science fiction is that it takes the audience's guard down; they're much more willing to open themselves up and allow themselves to be questioned and have their values questioned when they don't think we're talking about their world or them and what they're used to.
It seems like the reason that I miss the science fiction from the late '70s and '80s is that at that period, they really were doing interesting, introspective human stories that just happened to take place in science fiction settings.
I think everything you do, whether it's low budget things when you're first starting out or full feature films or when you're working with Hollywood, you're always learning, all the time.
My sense of humor often gets me in trouble.
HumorMeSense Of HumorTroubleGets
My job is really to... everyone is reading the script, and my job is to make sure we all interpret it in as much the same way as possible. And then I give them the freedom to sort of - to get their performance across and then make suggestions where things are not working and accentuate and push things where they really are working.
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