American - Entertainer | November 19, 1936 -
Great humorists are great insulters.
Dick Cavett
You would have to be naive to think you can appear on television and not have the material edited in some way.
I feel like I've been watching Irwin Corey forever. I saw him in the 1950s, and I thought he was old then.
I get a kick out of people saying I was funny.
I'll be happy if I can just stay out of Nebraska.
HappyBe HappyI CanOutStayJust
I hate Danny Kaye movies.
By the time I was in the fourth grade, I sounded exactly like my father on the phone.
It's no fun being a specimen.
FunBeingNo FunSpecimen
My IQ is somewhere between Spiro Agnew's and Albert Einstein's.
I have a feeling that about 90% of my life has been shaped by my voice, both as an embarrassment and as an advantage. There was always the terrible incongruity of this deep voice barreling out of this little body. Somewhere in the back of my mind I was aware that it was ludicrous, that it took on an importance that wasn't really there.
LifeMindVoiceDeepMy LifeBody
I'm not all that enthralled by show business, and I'm not that much of a highbrow.
BusinessShow BusinessShowMuch
Depression - it falls into that small category of things like combat that, if you haven't been in it, you can say you can imagine it all you like. But it's truly different.
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