American - Scientist | -
NSS is delighted to support the New Horizons mission by helping to share this exciting milestone in space exploration with the general public in America and around the world.
Bruce Pittman
The commercial space industry owes a huge debt to Patti Grace Smith. There might not be a commercial spaceflight industry were it not for Patti's leadership.
The Enterprise In Space program is an exciting opportunity to simultaneously advance cutting edge technologies while getting students from around the world engaged in STEAM and space education.
Blue Origin's successful capsule escape demonstration represents a material step toward a fully re-usable sub-orbital vehicle.
NSS has strongly supported competition in both the NASA Commercial Re-supply Services program and the Commercial Crew program.
The National Space Society is proud to have EIS as our flagship spaceflight program, and we look forward to the remarkable results that will flow from its successful completion.
Spend 10% of the project budget making sure you understand problem, the key technologies involved, and have looked at all of the options before you dive into the detailed design.
Keep the team as small as possible. Having been on several of these mega-projects, they seem to grow magically. People are attracted to the project like moths to a flame.
Don't bring on the design engineers too soon. One of the worst things you can do in the early phases of a project is to bring on a bunch of detailed design engineers and then not give them clear direction and close supervision.
We endorse Blue Origin and Jeff Bezos' vision of 'millions of people living and working in space' - this is the heart and soul of the NSS Roadmap to Space Settlement.
Get the entire team involved in identifying and evaluating project risks. Everyone looks at the project differently, and sometimes the input from the student intern can be vital.
The key here is that with planning, you can take advantage of opportunities, where without this planning, you may just watch them pass you by. Like knowing that a key potential customer may be at a conference and putting together a pitch just in case you run into them - or being caught by surprise with nothing coherent to say.
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