American - Journalist | November 3, 1960 -
I learned the technology and tradecraft of electronic security in self defense, with a lot of expert help.
Barton Gellman
As Trotsky didn't exactly say, you may not be interested in electronic snoops, but snoops are interested in you, whether or not you keep Coke's secret recipe on your iPhone.
Privacy is relational. It depends on the audience. You don't want your employer to know you're job hunting. You don't spill all about your love life to your mom or your kids. You don't tell trade secrets to your rivals.
Friend of mine, a smart journalist, had his iPad stolen. He couldn't help that - the thief broke into his house. But his private, personal data wasn't stolen, exactly. Donated, more like. He had no passcode set on the iPad.
It no longer counts as remarkable that Egyptians organized their uprising on social media.
Social MediaMediaOrganizedSocial
Federal prosecutors want to indict Julian Assange for making public a great many classified documents.
The Obama administration, like those before it, promotes a disturbingly narrow interpretation of the Fourth Amendment, misapplying the facts of old analog cases to a radically different digital world.
Companies that receive government information demands have to obey the law, but they often have room for maneuver. They scarcely ever use it.
Dell fills its computers with crapware, collecting fees from McAfee and other vendors to pre-install 'trial' versions.
Given the volume of PC sales and the way McAfee runs its operation, I imagine there must be thousands of phantom subscribers - folks who signed up once upon a time and left the software behind two or three computers ago.
I do read licenses, and they aggravate me, but a computer isn't much good without software. When I need a product, I hold my nose and click 'agree.'
It turns out that American Express honors recurring payments even if the vendor is unable to supply an accurate card number and expiration date. An Amex phone representative said this is a feature, not a bug, which makes sure my bills are paid.
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