American - Journalist | -
George Washington didn't have to make us laugh; he just had to establish precedents and avoid chopping down more cherry trees than he could possibly help. But somewhere along the line, Americans began expecting their presidents to do more than just govern. They also had to make us laugh.
Alexandra Petri
All the young voters who flocked to Obama in droves grew up watching 'The Daily Show' and the 'Colbert Report.'
Obama isn't funny.
Harvard prides itself on its diversity - economic, racial, social, geographical - but it remains intellectually segregated. It's not what conservative commentators seem to imagine - a bastion of liberal professors force-feeding radical opinions to a naive student body.
By isolating ourselves from those with whose opinions we disagree, we lose the ability to defend our beliefs.
Hi, my name is Alexandra, and I'm a netaholic.
At Harvard, where students tend to respond to real-world celebrities with the vague sense that they could do a better job themselves, the recipe for celebrity is complex.
You can be brilliant in some ways and despicable in others. You can be a clean, upright, moral individual in your private life who never swears, treats women with respect, and speaks highly of duty and honor - and go out every day and dedicate yourself to a cause that makes the world worse.
MS Paint was my creative outlet for many years.
A picture may be worth 1,000 words, but I think if the picture is made in MS Paint, the going rate might be slightly less.
Bills ought to be passed with deliberation by committees. Change should be achieved in a bipartisan manner. Incrementally, day by day, we should reach a consensus - not perfect, by any means - but something that we can be proud of, nonetheless.
ChangeDayNot PerfectProudReach
All children, except two, grow up: Peter Pan and Donald Trump Jr.
ChildrenGrowDonald TrumpGrow Up
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